data processing

[ˈdeitə prəʊˈsesɪŋ]
  • 释义
  • 资料处理;数据处理;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The product integrates cute sensing data processing and hardware of computer.


  • 2、

    During the course of data processing in microcomputer, operation problems of decimal fraction are often met.

    在单片机应用系统的数据处理过程中, 经常会遇到小数的运算问题.

  • 3、

    RESULTS: This method can be used as variance analysis and data processing of Bayesian statistics evalustion.

    结果: 本法可进行方差分析及贝叶斯法评价的数据处理.

  • 4、

    Multiple elimination is one of the important topics in the field of seismic data processing.


  • 5、

    The preparation procedure and data processing program of gas standard samples for titanium and titanium alloys.


  • 6、

    The flow of sending and receiving data processing of nRF 905 chip is provided.


  • 7、

    China's public security and judicial organs in this paper is the problem of data processing model.


  • 8、

    Job Description The preparation of entry procedures for data processing.


  • 9、

    Design of data processing module.


  • 10、

    Data processing is the series of operations that are carried out on data.


  • 11、

    GPS Data processing: Code and Phase complete source code can be directly used by the test.

    GPS数据处理: 代码和源代码相完整的可直接使用的考验.

  • 12、

    Additionally also pictures the application prospects of Internet data processing system.


  • 13、

    It can be a good means for high resolution data Processing.


  • 14、

    "Could you tell me your official job title?" — "It's Data Processing Manager."


  • 15、

    SPSS 13.0 software was adopted to realize the data processing and statistical analysis.


  • 16、

    Also introduced its powerful data processing function.


  • 17、

    Plans and directs studies of potential electronic data processing applications.


  • 18、

    KL transform MATLAB source code program for graphic images such as seismic data processing. Good results.

    KL变换的MATLAB源码程序,用于图形图像地震资料等的处理. 效果良好.

  • 19、

    Data processing and communication of GPS monitoring system [ D ]. Beijing: Tsinghua University, 2000.

    GPS监测系统的数据处理与通信 [ D ]. 北京: 清华大学, 2000.

  • 20、

    It makes technicians very inconvenient in data processing, fault diagnosis, instruments management and so on.

    这给监测技术人员进行数据处理 、 故障诊断和仪器管理带来了很多不便.

  • 21、

    A data processing system for business management in production department.


  • 22、

    This paper implements an integrated IP telephony gateway, and analyses data processing of IP telephony gateway.


  • 23、

    This have important guide significance to determination of the base line value and daily data processing.


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